I'm sure many of us are impatiently waiting on that delicious, out of this world meal on thanksgiving but remember, be just as greatful and giddy about life, strength, health, family, friends, roof, clothes, job, education, and the million other things God has given you and even taken, and those blessings in disguise. He knows what He's doing!
T-is the season
H-olidays upon us
A-s we gather together
N-ow with our loved ones
K-eeping family traditions
S-avoring turkey, dressing, and ham
G-iving thanks to the One
 I-n whose name we gather
V-ine from which all blessings flow
 I-t is good to be thankful
N-ever forgetting
G-od is great and God is good
Add up your blessing, I say;
Make Thanksgiving last more than a day,
Enjoy the blessings you've got;
Realize it's a lot,
And you'll make your cares melt away.
~Karl Fuchs